Pierpaolo Cecot is one of our skilled technicians here at Genesis Elevator Company. We wanted everyone to get to know him a little better, so we asked Pierpaolo to tell us a little more about himself and how he came to be a Genesis Elevator Company employee. We are so fortunate to have hired him and everyone loves working with Pierpaolo. Following are his answers to our interview.
1)Tell us about your family.
I am from Italy where I have two younger brothers and my parents. I met my wife about 8 years ago while she was in Italy studying food and wine in my town. I moved here to Atlanta with my her(she is from Marietta) a year and a half ago.
2) How long have you been in the elevator industry?
I found a job with Genesis thanks to my previous four years of experience with elevators in Italy, so now I have been in the field for 5 years.
3) What is your tenure with Genesis?
I have worked with Genesis since last December. I started in commercial new construction department and since August, I am part of the service department team doing PMs, troubleshooting, and repairs in both commercial and residential areas.
5)What do you like about working for Genesis and being a technician?
What I like about working with Genesis is the fact that I can learn everyday something new and improve my skills by talking with the others technicians.
Being a technician, and especially an elevator mechanic is great. You have the opportunity to work with all kinds of tools. You are an electrician, a plumber, a mechanic, a construction worker, a carpenter and sometimes you even have some office work.
4) What are your likes?
I enjoy reading books (in English now), hanging out with friends, and cooking with my wife.
7) What is your “believe it or not moment in a hoistway”? (i.e. scariest moment, most surprising moment, most confusing, funniest, etc.)
Believe it or not, one time I was looking for the jacks for a big elevator in a wine cellar in Italy and then I realized I was sitting on them! There were two gigantic jacks the size of a couch!
Thank you Pierpalo for being a part of our team here at Genesis Elevator Company of Atlanta, Ga.!